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hello world.

By Tim Arnold

On 29, Jun 2015 | In | By Tim Arnold

Lee Haiyao and Amy Wang 李海尧 王宜桢

Lee Haiyao, an electrician in California, and his wife Amy Wang let us into their home while they pray, and explain how they came to embrace Tibetan Buddhism.



我第一次认识达赖喇嘛是从他的苏开始的,我很欣赏他与科学家的对话,虽然他是个出家人­,他还是亲身接触大众。 真诚地希望他健康长寿,利益整个宇宙!

后来遇到白诺尔仁波切, 慢慢的学起了藏传佛教,他特别厉害,嗨嗨。
其实,他信佛教的时间被我还早,有很多他见过的大师我也有所耳闻,当时我听了之后很感­动, 因为他的上师主要是在青海当地。
然后,跟他的上师虽然没有见过面,但是,他对上师的那种诚信,可以从跟他接触, 还有他的行动中可以感受的到, 我觉得很感动。
有很多,就是说人生的价值到底如何判断? 那只要从社会、从父母和长辈这里;那我自然就会很想从宗教的认识中追求。
最后接触藏传佛教,第一次参加法会,由藏传佛教背景的佛法中心组织办的法会在洛杉矶, 然后那恰美仁波切, 那时候他灌的是阿弥陀佛的法门。我主要是参加他灌顶的部分。在当时灌顶的时候,我觉得­很特殊,因为毕竟这是第一次参加这样的佛教灌顶法会。
2001年在山景城那里,与阿嘉仁波切和白玛教授见到了达赖喇嘛,很特别,很特别,很­宁静。不过做礼拜的时候,我有一种感觉, 是达赖喇嘛送给我一种东西。特别的,跟他有特别的因缘。 开始在2001年见达赖喇嘛之后,去听了他好多次讲法。

Dalai Lama, you’ll be 80 years old soon. We wish you a long life, and may you benefit even more sentient beings.I first read and admired your book about your dialogue with scientists, and even though you are a Buddhist Monk, you contact all living beings. From my heart I wish you health and long life, and may you benefit the world.

My name is Li Haiyao, I’m from Guangdong province. In the 1980s I moved to the San Francisco bay area.

My family believed in Chinese Buddhism, but since I moved to the United States I’ve started learning about Tibetan Buddhism, which is a little different.I started to think about the meaning of life when I was very young, probably before I started middle school around the age of 11 or 12. I always had questions on my mind.The meaning of life, the value of life, how should we view these things? We can get some answers from society, our parents, and the elderly, but we seek more from religion.