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By Tim Arnold

On 18, Aug 2015 | In | By Tim Arnold

Li Huizhen 李慧珍

Li Huizhen, a Chinese nurse living in Albany, California, tells us about growing up in Tibet. “When I lived in Lhasa I also went to Nepal, and to the place where the Dalai Lama was born in Qinghai,” she says.


我叫李慧珍,我是到美国是2001年, 是2001年到美国的,我是生在拉萨,我爸爸是援藏到西藏的。
到目前为止, 我去年回成都去,也没有人说我是汉人,他们都说我是藏族。也许可能是性格吧,我们西安­人比较直爽,可能是这个原因,再一个原因是我藏族朋友比较多。太好了,太多了,又很多­藏族朋友。
我家里人中,奶奶还是信佛教。但是在我家里人总的来说的话,都倾向佛教,而且我的话特­别的信佛教, 我也不知道为什么。
我来到这里五年以后,两个小孩接过来了,现在那一个孩子已经结婚了, 大的,搬出去了。小的那今年高中毕业。 我的儿子叫多吉坚赞,女儿叫德吉卓嘎,我女儿从小是在拉萨长大的,因为我在 拉萨工作,(她)是在拉萨长大的。她的爷爷给她起的这个名字。 然后那,我儿子,当时我在成都,所以他是在成都出生的。
我信佛,我的主张就是用心去信。这是我去朝佛,这个也是在拉萨的一个朋友家里,这我穿­着藏服; I got red here. (我这里有了红点。)I look exactly like a Tibetan woman but I am not. (我看起来像一个藏族妇女,但我不是。)这个是在尼泊尔,早晨朝佛回来的。这个是在拉­萨,最早的布达拉宫广场,只有一条马路。那时候我那么瘦,可现在这么胖。这个是我在拉­萨结婚的时候照的,被叫可怜。这是我结婚的照片,单位上免费借给我一个面包车接送客人­,我们穿的是比较古老的藏服。这个是我从拉萨到北京去上大学学的是饭店管理的那个学校­门口穿着藏装照的。这是在拉萨的一个藏式餐馆照的。

My name is Li Huizhen. I came to America in 2001. I was born in Lhasa, because my father was sent to aid Tibet.

Anyway, I was born in Lhasa. But after one month I was sent back to my grandmother’s home in Xi’an, China. I grew up there with her.

Up to now, even when I went to Chengdu last year, no one has ever said I was Chinese. They all thought I was Tibetan. Maybe it’s because my personality is straightforward, like people from Xi’an are. Also, because I have so many Tibetan friends.

In my family, my grandmother believed in Buddhism. The rest of my family also had an inclination towards Buddhism. But I really believe in Buddhism, I don’t know why.

When I was in Lhasa I also went to Nepal, and to the place where the Dalai Lama was born in Qinghai. Then I went to the place where the Buddha was born. Maybe I was influenced by my Tibetan friends. On my weekends I would go on kora. Around Lhasa there are 8 great monasteries- I visited each one of them. Sera, the Jokhang, Drepung, Tashi Lhunpo in Shigatse… and every place in Lhoka.

… I believe in Buddhism, and I think it comes mainly from your heart.