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hello world.

By Tim Arnold

On 29, Jun 2015 | In | By Tim Arnold

Sabrina Ma 陈尚慧

Sabrina Ma, a retiree in Los Angeles, California tells us that many of her Chinese friends believe in Tibetan Buddhism and privately respect the Dalai Lama. “I think this phenomenon is going to become more widespread,” she says.

陈尚慧 退休人员 现居住在加州洛杉矶,她说她的很多汉人朋友都相信藏传佛教,私下里崇拜达赖喇嘛。她说,”我认为这种趋势会更广泛”

我祝福达赖喇嘛生日快乐! 更长寿! 我们的社会能够更谐和,更和平! 每个人的心灵建设一下地。大家都拥有世界和平的快乐和日子!谢谢!
我叫 Sabrina 中国名字叫陈尚慧。我最初到加州来的时候就知道了西来寺的汉传佛教。后来听了达赖喇嘛­两次的演讲在波特兰德社区学院的礼堂时候我才了解到一点藏传佛教的精髓,慢慢走进藏传­佛教里了。
有西藏这个地方的事情,因为我们上课都上过这一课, 知道西藏这个地方。然后,我父母亲全是学佛的,但是没有深入的的了解,在说是从中国来­。 后来真正的是在这边的有些教堂、或是寺庙都提到了这些佛法,我慢慢接触到了藏传佛教。­那么最近,因为噶青庆仁波切这边开了这个道场,然后我一直到这儿来。
然后,我渐渐了解到了我们如果学佛法的话, 心灵上会有安慰感,能够改善所有的生活,使我们离苦得乐。
我想心灵是净土, 能够好好学习佛法的话,每个人都会得到解脱。
这是我去藏区在医疗团的时候得相片。他们在诵经的时候互动的、这是他们在做早课的时候­的相片。这是我在学校里面给藏人教中文的时候拍摄的。 这一章也是,因为他们,我看他们藏区在外面太阳光很强,所以我给他们捐献了一些眼镜,­这是我和小喇嘛们之间互动的。 谢谢!
到目前我觉得藏传佛教现在还在大陆盛行的。 但是,我不知道大陆那边会不会禁止或者会怎么样, 我不太了解。但是,下面的社会上有很多法师、仁波切、喇嘛一直在传经,我的一些朋友成­为藏传佛教徒,对藏传佛教非常的深信。
在私底下崇拜达赖喇嘛或者信藏传佛 教的人渐渐多了。我觉得信佛的人渐渐多的话,越来越多的人会被培养成有慈悲心、感恩心­的,这世界会变得越和平。
我想中国将来会更开放的,人们的思想会越开放,他们将来会了解到佛法对于政府方面有协­助的,不会制造问题的。 希望将来能够佛法、藏传佛教能够更盛行,不要因为 与达赖喇嘛冲突而成为 障碍,我希望佛教能够 能够普度众生,然后中国能够更强盛,政教互利。

I wish for a happy birthday for the Dalai Lama, and a long life, and may you bring peace to society and peace to the world, and happiness to everyone’s hearts. Thank you.

I’m called Sabrina, my Chinese name is Chen Xianghui. The first time I came to America I encountered Chinese Mahayana Buddhism in the Xilai Temple. After that I attended the Dalai Lama’s teachings twice at the Portland Community College, and from there I came to understand a little a bit about Tibetan Buddhism. His teachings led me to the essence of Tibetan Buddhism, and I entered Tibetan Buddhism.

Right now I think Tibetan Buddhism has started to flourish in mainland China, but I don’t know if the government will intervene. In civil society there are many Buddhist masters and lamas and rinpoches giving spiritual dharma teachings, and many of my friends have become believers in Tibetan Buddhism. They privately respect the Dalai Lama, and practice Tibetan Buddhism. I think this phenomenon is going to become more widespread. Inside society, if more people practice Buddhism, then more people will have compassionate minds. If more people have compassionate minds and thankful hearts, then the world will be more peaceful.

I think in the future Chinese society will definitely become even more open, so as things become more open people will gradually realize that Buddhism will help the governance of China, not cause problems. I want Tibetan Buddhism to flourish in China. The government shouldn’t consider their conflict with the Dalai Lama as an obstacle for Buddhism. I hope that all Buddhists can make efforts to pray for this goal, to strengthen China. Religion and politics should be able to mutually benefit each other.