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By Tim Arnold

On 29, Jun 2015 | In | By Tim Arnold

Sherry 秀燕

Sherry, a restaurateur in Columbia, Maryland, talks to us about how she discovered Tibetan Buddhism and how it changed her life. She hasn’t had the chance to go to Tibet yet, but she wants to go if she ever gets the chance.

秀燕,马里兰州,哥仑比亚, 餐业老板娘,讲述她是如何接触西藏佛教,以及藏传佛教是如何改变她的生活。她说到现在还没有机会去过西藏,但希望以后有机会去西藏。

在他的80大寿期间,我也诚心祝他寿比南山! 身体健康!长寿百岁!一切如意!吉祥如意!我很希望如果我有机会能够跟他接近,跟他见­面,我也很想。
我的面子就叫Sherry, 我到美国来30多年了。我现在就在哥伦比亚开一家小的台湾餐馆。
我对这个佛教本身 很熟,信佛。就说我在1998年受戒律与一个仁波切。我就觉得佛教很不错,很好。
有时间的话我尽量会参加法会,但是我在餐馆做事的时间比较长,没有时间。而我在家里早­上会念经,并且静坐。就尽量早点起来活动或者诵经一小时,这样做以后那自己的感觉也蛮­好的,这个我觉得也很好, 酒感觉舒服的多。
我从小就我们未能家里人信佛,所以那我一直就是很信,我就念 经祈祷。
我先生也是信佛教,但也没有足够的时间念经读佛教的书。 仁波切也我很尊敬,他来时我们也经常去看他,他是一位非常好的师父。仁波切也到我的餐­馆来并为我的东西祈福。 仁波切也赠给我莲花 生大师的佛像,现在还在我家里,是从西藏带过来的。
仁波切每次来,我们都去会他, 但是我们未能始终没有机会去西藏,可能以后又机会的话就去西藏,我觉得西藏佛教蛮有意­思。 我每天早上念经《金刚百字明咒》。 对我来说这是非常有效的。

For his (the Dalai Lama) 80th birthday, I sincerely wish you longevity, good health, a long life- may your every wish be fulfilled. May you have good fortune. I really hope to be near you. My name is Sherry. I’ve been in America for thirty or so years. Right now I live in Columbia, Maryland. I own a little Taiwanese restaurant. I’ve always believed in Buddhism. In 1998 I took refuge in a Rinpoche. I think Buddhism is very good. When I have time I do my best to attend Dharma teachings. But the restaurant has long hours, and I don’t have a lot of spare time.

At home in the morning I meditate and chant mantras. I try to get up early and do exercises or chant for an hour. After chanting I feel better, and my mood improves. I feel very comfortable. I became interested in Buddhism when I was young because my family believed in it, and that led me to learn how to chant.